Bonus tip. Here I mixed an inexpensive sofa with original art by Marabeth Quinn. I also mixed in some expensive silk zebra pillows with a crewel pillow from Pottery Barn. The stools I had custom made and the lamp is from lamps plus. My Tip, Mix your elements. Combine investment pieces with economical pieces to achieve balance and overall uniformity.

Bonus Tip. Keep it SIMPLE! Don't over clutter a space. Use items that are special and unique to you. Mix it up. Everything goes together if done simply. Here I have mixed wicker chairs with burlap pillows and a Louis VI style hand painted chest. I have combined it with a very modern lamp and original artwork.

Some days being a designer can feel like being a rock star. People swoon at me like I hold the key to all their decorating solutions. And I do, because I'm a DESIGNER. With alluring aptitude I wave my magic designer wand and create a formula for world peace. Or at least domestic peace within the family! Designers have the ability to mix, infuse, interpret and answer every decorating need you have and often times throw in a little clever surprise, that captivates and excites you. That is why you hire us. We help you push that visual envelope, get you outside of that comfortable box ( that you have grown accustomed to) and whack you up side the head with imagination, enchantment and maybe a little witchcraft if necessary.

.....mirror, mirror on the wall isn't this chair the most spectacular of all!!!
I may not be able to tell you what 16 x 2 is, (off the cusp), or tell you which senator is currently cheating on his wife,(without google) but I can tell you that the chair you just purchased is all wrong, and the paint color looks lavender because you didn't take into consideration the reflection from the pool. I have been at this for over 12 years, and I have learned that while I may not be able to answer the above questions without help, but I can expertly whip your space into shape with my eyes shut. No it isn't witchcraft (but if it convinces you to get that awesome sofa, the one I've told you to purchase three times because I swear to holy heaven it's the answer to all peace in humanity, I cannot be responsible if I must take unavoidable action). I may not be able to solve all the worlds conundrums but I do hold the key to some of the worlds most burning question:
"What are some tips you can give us!"
It really is an enigma to me. I find it weird that I can select a color with ease, draw a lighting plan without restraint and space plan your furniture like a ninja while walking AND chewing gum! I guess being a DESIGNER really is like being a rock star, only prettier and cleaner. So here it is, my top ten design tips:

There you have it. My top ten or so design tips. Everyone of these tips has been used by me in my interiors, at one time or another. Be sure to check back next week for one of my most favorite specialties, lighting. Over the years I have become a connoisseur in lighting. It completely makes a home, and creates a mood that furniture and architecture cannot do on it's own.
Images courtesy of southernliving.com, HGTV.com, artinspire.com, woova.com, and the charlotte design show house.
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